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Doctor Blows Whistle on Flu Shot: ‘It’s Designed to Spread Cancer’

Dr. John Bergman issues warning to the public of ‘flu panic’. Dr. John Bergman says the flu vaccine is laced with cancer-causing ingredients. A top doctor has gone on the record to blow the whistle in a video statement and reveal that flu vaccines have been laced with “cancer-causing ingredients.”

Dr. John Bergman has revealed the influenza vaccinations being used to combat the latest H3N2 strain, are virtually ineffective and being forced onto the public through fear tactics to spread cancer.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the current flu strain is the most severe to date, and leads to more extreme, and often fatal, symptoms.

Tens of thousands of people have died so far during this flu season, and as the mortality rate rises, so does the fear, and citizens are queuing up for flu shots, all while Big Pharma is cashing in.

Now, according to Dr. Bergman, evidence has emerged that the vaccinations may be causing far more damage to people’s health than anyone could have previously anticipated. tens of thousands are dying from the flu this season.

According to Anna Treague, a health official for Public Health, the severity of H3N2 has been caused by mutations in the virus that triggered by influenza vaccinations. In a statement to ABC news.

Treague confirmed that this year’s flu strain, that has left thousands of citizens dead, was caused by the vaccines itself, saying: “I believe that the low effective rate of the vaccine this year is due to the mutations that the virus made in the processing of the vaccine itself.

“That is at LEAST part of the reason that influenza cases are so widespread this year.”

Treague clearly states that the vaccination is at “LEAST” part of the problem, if not the WHOLE problem. anna treague says the virus has been mutated by flu vaccines.

Anna Treague says the virus has been mutated by flu vaccines Other health experts agree with Teague statement, including Dr. Mercola, who is one of the world’s leading authorities on the dangers of vaccines. Speaking about the mutations caused by the vaccines, Mercola says, “It’s no surprise at all.”

Dr. Mercola isn’t alone with his prognosis, as countless other medical professionals, MDs, and PhDs all agree. Demand for Vaccines is Increasing The problem is though, as more people get sick, more people are queuing up to get their flu shots, and the situation is snowballing from bad to worse.

According to Treague, the immune system is weaker at the beginning and at the end of a person’s life. This causes the body of a child or elderly to have to fight much harder to fend off viruses than a person in their 20s or 30s.

Even though the flu shot has only be found to be 10% effective against this year’s strain, the government still insists that it’s imperative that every citizen is vaccinated, despite the clear dangers.

How would the families of those already killed after receiving the shot respond to that news?

According to allopathic medicine, we should rush to see our doctor as soon as we experience so they can treat us with antiviral medication. The dangers of Tamiflu are no secret though and it can only shorten the duration by 12 hours. The recommended course of action is to stay home and not spread the virus.

Symptoms usually appear after 1-3 days of being infected and most people usually recover in under a week. Just don’t ignore your symptoms though, which include chills, fever, headache, dry cough and aching of joints and muscles.

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